Thursday, 25 August 2011

Blog 22 - Dub Step Barbados

Sorry its been such a long time but i have been very busy over here this end so i thought i would take a little time out to share what i have been doing with you all. 

I have been spending allot of time working in our studio over the last week and i am trying to raise our profile with in the local community in Barbados. This has meant strangely that i have spent allot of time on Facebook, legitimately, while being at work... Facebook is big all over the world theses days but no more so then in Barbados where everything gets advertised via pages. Business, nights out, everything and there is a stronger presence on Facebook then anywhere else! Back in the UK if i wanted to find something it would be a quick google search, here its a quick Facebook search!

Last week a very excited Ferg found me and told me he had found a Dub Step page that was advertising a dance night on the Saturday! This is massive as there is not many dance nights out here and those of you who know me, know i like my dance music! So we went along and it was a top night, the guys did a great job with a great line up! I had a small disagreement with a massive speed bump (which resulted in my big toe having no skin left) but other then that a great night!

While we were out we met some great people and had a huge amount of fun so please do check out the pages and show your support as we really want them to do another night very soon!

Like us at the Colorbox Studio Facebook Page
Like us at the Colorbox Studio Facebook Page

Like us at the Colorbox Studio Facebook Page

Like us at the Colorbox Studio Facebook Page

Like us at the Colorbox Studio Facebook Page

Like us at the Colorbox Studio Facebook Page

Like us at the Colorbox Studio Facebook Page

Like us at the Colorbox Studio Facebook Page

Like us at the Colorbox Studio Facebook Page

Like us at the Colorbox Studio Facebook Page

Like us at the Colorbox Studio Facebook Page

Like us at the Colorbox Studio Facebook Page

Like us at the Colorbox Studio Facebook Page

Like us at the Colorbox Studio Facebook Page

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Blog 20 - Just Married Magazine

Well this is a very exciting day for me as one of my photography dreams have come true. I am getting some of my photographs featured in... a WEDDING MAGAZINE :D

The magazine is called "Just Weddings" and it is doing an article on weddings abroad, the magazine approached one of the couples i shot back in June, Sarah and Lee. (a big thank you to Sarah for keeping in touch and keeping me updated)

and well... here it is... :D

This is just a proof at the moment and will be coming out in September so keep your eyes pealed!

Massive thanks again to Sarah and Lee

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Blog 18 - Crop Over

Ok so over this end of the world we have had a 4 day weekend! (Well more like a 3 day as I have had 2 afternoon weddings which has been cool and they are coming here soon i promise!) Crop Over is a festival that celebrates the end of the sugar cane harvest and basically there is 4 days of parties and people going mental!